What in the world is this?

Way back in 2012, I started writing a new translation of the entire Hebrew Bible as a comedy and releasing it as a podcast.

Over 10 years later, I’ve finished translating the first five books of the Bible (also called the Five Books of Moses, the Pentateuch, or the Torah).

With the podcast on hiatus, I’ve decided to publish the translations. Each week, all subscribers to this newsletter will get my translation of the Torah portion read that week in shul (also called the “Parsha”), complete with my very silly commentary. Paid subscribers get access to the complete archives and can read any past parsha whenever they like.

Who are you?

My name is David Tuchman. I’m a guy who was raised as a Modern Orthodox Jew but never really liked reading the Torah that much.

Why subscribe?

You’d like to read the Torah but are tired of all the crusty old translations out there.

Every Monday, you’ll get the Parsha in your inbox!

Why pay for a subscription?

You’d like to read every previously-published Parsha whenever you want.

Also, paid subscribers can join the conversation and share their comments!


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Subscribe to OMGWTFBIBLE

A brand-new funny translation of the entire Hebrew Bible


For a while, I translated the Hebrew Bible. Now I write fiction and periodic collections of my thoughts.